Robert Wynia - Night Walks
June 11, 2020
"A collection of poems and lyrics by musician/writer Robert Wynia. Known best for his work with his band "Floater" as well as his solo works and spoken word, Wynia is an Oregon Music Hall of Fame inductee whose poetry is visceral, intimate, and thought provoking. The soundtrack to this book, "Night Walks - The Soundtrack" is available wherever music is sold or streamed." With a forward written by Storm Large.
A collection of poems and lyrical pieces, written primarily while touring across numerous countries, this book attempts to create a home for a wide range of wayward works. Here you will find the tongue-in-cheek sitting next to the heart-on-sleeve, the senisble mingling with the absurd, all in their own strange harmony. These are still frames cut from cinematic human experience, gathered livingly and assembled into this collection in eight movements.